Description XEffects Outside Glow is a free effect plugin for Final Cut Pro X that adds a coloured glow around an irregular object. Great for text as well! There are...
Description XEffects Panel Flip is a free transition plugin for Final Cut Pro X. The screen is split into two vertically, then the two panels twist on the X axis to...
Description XEffects Panel Flip 2 is a free transition plugin for Final Cut Pro X that follows on from the first Panel Flip. This time, the screen is split into two...
Description XEffects Panel Slide is a free transition plugin for Final Cut Pro X. Four vertical panels slide on from either the left or right side to form a whole frame. Panel...
Description XEffects Perspective Reflection is a free effect plugin for Final Cut Pro that takes a full frame image, adds a reflection and then angles it to look as if it...
Description XEffects Progress Slider is a free plugin for Final Cut Pro X that mimics a video position slider on screen. By applying this title effect over a clip or a...
Description XEffects Reflecting Letterbox is a title effect for Final Cut Pro X that reflects the media inside a letterbox mask. It is perfect for anything that needs a bit of glamour or...
Description XEffects Screen Pump is a great free title effect plugin that does away with the need to build screen pumps manually with keyframes in Final Cut Pro X. This is great...
Description XEffects Silent Movie Graphic is a free Final Cut Pro title that emulates the descriptive text pages from old silent films Just tap in your text and let the plugin...
Description XEffects Slide With Gap is a free transition plugin for Final Cut Pro that performs a slide left or right, but with a gap in-between the out going and incoming media. There are...
Description XEffects Text Colour Split is a free template title plugin for Final Cut Pro X that animates two lines of text over a split colour background. The background then splits...
Description XEffects Text Panel Flip is a free title plugin for Final Cut Pro X that rotates a panel with text written on to it. You can use any font in any...
Description XEffects USA Flag is a free Generator plugin for Final Cut Pro that emulates a 'Stars and Stripes' USA flag rippling onscreen The plugin has been generated using...
Description XEffects Video Conference 2 is a comprehensive set of free plugins for Final Cut Pro that emulate an online video chat or meeting. There are new plugins for 2 to...
Description XEffects Web Search Page is a free title plugin for Final Cut Pro X that emulates the tapping in of data to a popular search engine's web page. After entering the text...
Description XEffects Worship Text is a free animating title plugin for Final Cut Pro that displays a passage of text. The plugin was designed to display an extract from a Bible, although it can...
Description XEffects YouTube Subscribe Button is a title plugin for Final Cut Pro X that encourages viewers of a YouTube video to subscribe to the channel and ring the alert...